Quinlan Baptist Church
A church with a heart, and a church you can call home!
Quinlan Baptist Church is an old-fashioned, independent, fundamental Baptist church that believes, preaches, and practices the Bible. We use the KING JAMES BIBLE 1611 for every lesson, devotion, and message. We still sing the hymns of old, from the hymnal found in the back of every pew. We go out door to door soul-winning, to share the glorious Gospel of Christ with our community and surrounding areas, and baptize and disciple converts. We believe in upholding standards of Christian conduct, and strengthening the family unit and therefore hold to the truths of God’s Word without apology, along with helpful instruction that makes the Scriptures applicable in our lives.
As a church, our mission is to reach the world with the Gospel of Christ. We want to utilize every available biblical means, and we want to disciple and train every member to participate in accomplishing our church’s purpose.